
Popular Advice Doesn’t Mean It’s Good Advice

What’s the first thing you want to do when you get good news? Do you want to tell other people? Nearly everyone does!  Whether you realise it or not, your natural impulse upon receiving sad or bad news is the same! But after a lifetime of being told “Laugh and...

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Grief Support: Knowing What To Say And What To Avoid

The majority of grievers are desperately in need of support to help them in coping with their losses. They need someone to listen to them without analysis, criticism or judgment. Fear of how to approach grievers and assist them stops many well-meaning people from...

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The Death Of A Spouse

Questions about the conflicting feelings and emotional pain associated with the death of a spouse rank as the second most common of inquiries we receive at The Grief Recovery Institute, after the death of a child. This is a relationship that exists on many levels. In...

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Grief Recovery can help in dealing with PTSD.

Why society will use any word but grief. In great measure, the words we use dictate the feelings we have. The more accurate and honest our language, the clearer our awareness of what affects us, and what we can do about it. Read on to find out how to overcome PTSD,...

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Why society will use any word other than grief

Grief recovery can help in dealing with PTSD. In great measure, the words we use dictate the feelings we have. The more accurate and honest our language, the clearer our awareness of what affects us, and what we can do about it. Read on to find out how to overcome...

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Can Grief Recovery mend a broken heart?

The intense heartache that follows a death, break-up, or any other kind of loss might leave you feeling like you’ll never experience happiness again.  That was the case for me when my boyfriend died. My life changed the moment I heard the news. For weeks I...

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PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a relatively new term. It was first introduced in the 1980 American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III). It has since been further modified in its definition in the DSM-IV and DSM-5. What it...

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Grieving the living

To mark World Alzheimer’s Month, we’d like to acknowledge everyone who is living or has lived through their loved one’s decline from this disease. Our hearts go out to you. From the early signs, when you barely notice anything is wrong, to witnessing confusion, to the...

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Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Grief

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, though different in definition, can each leave other family members with a deep sense of loss. Watching someone you have loved slowly lose your shared memories and become lost in familiar surroundings can be emotionally devastating....

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